our mission
The Laboratory of Geographic Information Systems offers researchers and students the opportunity to collaborate in research activities on various topics in fields related to geographic information and geoinformatics, ranging from modeling and design of spatial databases to the development of applications for their management (also on mobile devices), from indoor / outdoor mobility to location-based services (LBS), from the study and evolution of international standards to the interoperability of spatial (open) data. LabGIS is also involved in many funded projects and research agreements with national and international istitutions.
the laboratory
Each reseach topic is addressed from a theoretical and methodological point of view, aiming at defining innovative solutions that integrate models and algorithms, as well as technologies. Furthermore, the development of prototypes based on technological innovation allows to test and validate the results obtained, also in the context of basic and applied research projects,
LabGIS is equipped with servers, workstations, an A0+ plotter, an A0+ scanner, a digitalizer, software for geoprocessing tools development. The multidisciplinary nature of the topics allows a strong synergy with the HCI-USE Lab.
Prof. Robert Laurini, INSA de Lyon, Francia
Prof. Athula Ginige, University of Western Sidney, Australia
Dott. Sandro Bimonte, Irstea, France
Dott. Carlo Cipolloni, ISPRA
Dott. Antonio Ganga, Università degli Studi di Sassari
Dott. Davide De Chiara, ENEA, Portici NA
Dott. Vincenzo Del Fatto, ENEA Portici NA, già Libera Università di Bolzano
Dott. Dimitri Dello Buono, (IMAA CNR)

Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Salerno – Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 – 84084 Fisciano (SA)
P.IVA 00851300657 – C.F. 80018670655